
A Note From Your Publisher

By Nicole Zawidski July 24, 2019

August is shaping up to be a busy month already! It is hard to believe that summer is almost over. Maybe it's that annoying back-to-school section that pops up when summer just seems to be starting or maybe it's just that feeling of impending doom of having to set up my classroom. I have to keep reminding myself we still have so much to do yet before summer ends. 

Big things are going on in August for us. 

We are heading to Dutch Wonderland with the kids and I have a promo code and deal to share with you too! Check the bottom on the email for details! We love Dutch Wonderland because it is perfect for our younger kids and our older kids can also have a blast. There is also Duke's Lagoon to cool off it! 

We are also hitting up Musikfest and going to see Weezer on August 5th which I am super excited about! I have always been a Weezer fan. Anyone else heading there? Any tips you can give for Musikfest and what to expect?

We are taking a trip with my grandmother to Baltimore so that should be fun. I'm excited to take my kiddos to the waterfront. 

Thank you for all your support. Thanks for following @MacKidBethlehem on social media. Thanks for subscribing to the newsletters. Thanks for reading the articles and sharing with others. 

I am a few subscribers away from my goal so please share share share MacKidBethlehem and tell your friends, parents, babysitter, dog walker, neighbor, or random classmate on Facebook to subscribe. Subscribers help us grown to be able to offer more great things. You are my best advertisement, loyal macaronis. Thank you!

Enjoy the rest of your July. I look forward to what's in store in August. 

Thanks for the support and for sharing!



Promo-Code: summerblog19

Deal link: