Did you know that I have officially been your local publisher for over a year now? Time flies when you're having fun! I need your help though! Local publishers like myself rely on you, our readers, to help our sites grow so we can continue offering this great local, fun, and free content! We need you to like, comment, and share on social media and help our followers grow and we need you to share the love of our website and e-newsletter to help our subscriber numbers grow too! This is how we know we have such a great local following and it is what gets us the awesome giveaways and prizes... so please... as my anniversary gift, Christmas gift, birthday gift, just because you love me gift... please share our lovely little local site and social media and help us continue to grow so we can continue to give you this fabulous content plus more!
We have some BIG things going on (and coming up)! Make sure you are entering our:
Target Gift Card Giveaway
Kozar's Christmas Village Ticket Giveaway
Stayed tuned for our 12 Days of Holidays Giveaway
Look for our special deal from barre3 Bethlehem
Look for our special deal from Dutch Wonderland
Peace, Love, and Macaroni Always,