Sponsored Preschools
In addition to childcare, Active Learning Centers also has extensive preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten programs. Children participate in art activities, structured playtime, and learning time covering letters, numbers, colors, reading and more. Plus, don't forget the ACTIVE! Children at this age love to move! Children are provided with ample time to move, including the opportunity to take karate!
All goals are based on the PA state learning standards for early childhood education. Teachers use these goals to develop age-appropriate and engaging lessons for all students.
The best part about Active Learning Centers is that there are locations across the Lehigh Valley! That means there there is always a center nearby.
Early Childhood Education at the JCC of the Lehigh Valley
The Jewish Community Center of the Lehigh Valley has a prestigious reputation for its early childhood education program. There are groups for children beginning at six weeks of age, toddlers, preschool, and pre-k. Each program has unique goals and objectives, based on the age of the children. In addition to the basics, children are taught music, gym, and even swimming! The location has a beautiful library, multipurpose room, and even a kitchen to promote children's cooking activities! If you are looking for a nurturing, well rounded experience for your child, the JCC of the Lehigh Valley is the perfect place.
Additional Lehigh Valley Preschools
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Chesterbook Academy
Location in Bethlhem, PA. Offers preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten options.
Devine School
Locations in Brookside and Macungie. Offers preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten options.
Lightbridge Academy
Locations in Allentown and Bethlehem. Preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten classes available.
Red Door Early Learning Center
Location in Center Valley. Offers half day and full day options for preschool - kindergarten.
Learning in Motion
Location in Coopersburg. Offers flexible half-day options for ages 18 months through 4+ years old.